Thomas Wictor

The Israelis didn’t kill Ziad Abu Ein

The Israelis didn’t kill Ziad Abu Ein

Today terrorist and convicted murderer Ziad Abu Ein died after a confrontation with the Israeli Defense Forces and Border Police in Ramallah. Ein was a Palestinian Authority “minister without portfolio.”


Ein therefore didn’t actually do anything in the Palestinian Authority. He headed the PLO’s Commission Against the Separation Wall and Settlements, which leads protests so that Palestinians will get killed for the cameras. Ein obviously didn’t think he’d be the latest dead Palestinian cause celebre. He was accustomed to killing and sending others to their deaths.

Mahmoud Abbas said Ein’s death from natural causes was “a barbaric act which we cannot be silent about or accept.” The Palestinians are therefore going to declare war on heart disease. It’s about time they did, since it’s their biggest killer.

Leading_causes of_death_Gaza

Speaking of barbaric acts, Ein was convicted of murdering fourteen-year-old David Lankari and sixteen-year-old Boaz Lahav, on May 14, 1979.


Lankari is on the left, Lahav on the right. Ein placed a bomb in a garbage can in Tiberias. When it exploded, it killed the two boys and injured thirty-six others. They were celebrating Lag Ba’omer, a festival that honors the life of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, the first Jewish religious scholar to publicly teach the Kabbalah. Shimon Bar Yochai was also the author of the Zohar, the foundation of Kabbalah.

On Lag Ba’omer, bonfires are lit, and children play with bows and arrows. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai referred to his death as “the day of my joy.”

The chassidic masters explain that the final day of a righteous person’s earthly life marks the point at which “all his deeds, teachings and work” achieve their culminating perfection and the zenith of their impact upon our lives.

Ziad Abu Ein’s last day was indeed the culminating perfection of his life. A member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council—aka the Abu Nidal terrorist organization—Ein bravely fled to the US after murdering David Lankari and Boaz Lahav. In 1981 he became the first Palestinian to be extradited from the US to Israel. Sentenced to life imprisonment, Ein was released in the Ahmed Jabril prisoner swap of May 21, 1985, when 1150 Palestinian prisoners were exchanged for three Israeli soldiers.

Some of the most notorious murderers in custody were released, including Muslim convert Kozo Okamoto, one of the gunman in the Lod Airport massacre of May 30, 1972. Three Japanese killed twenty-six people, seventeen of whom were Puerto Ricans. Using assault rifles and hand grenades, the attackers managed to kill two of each other as well. Like Zia Abu Ein, Kozo Okamoto tried to escape but was shot and captured.

After his release Okamoto was sent to Lebanon, where he continued his life of crime. But the Lebanese granted him asylum anyway because of his heroic attack on defenseless Puerto Ricans. Lebanon refuses to extradite him to Japan. Okamoto lives quietly in his adopted country, where he’s still recognized and congratulated.


Lovely place, Lebanon. Wonderful people. The good thing about that photo is you can see the state of perpetual regret and self-loathing in which Okamoto lives. Not regret for his victims, but anguish that he’ll spend the remainder of his days being hugged by savages who smell bad. His mouth tells the whole story.

The death of Ziad Abu Ein

As usual, Palestinians and Israeli sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome made up fairy tales about what happened. Ein was beaten with a rifle butt, shot in the chest with a tear-gas canister, punched, and struck with a helmet. There are no photos or videos of this violence, of course, because those are all lies.

Ein did get shoved, which is what he wanted.


Being a member of the Palestinian mafia, Ein had multiple health problems, including diabetes and high blood pressure. Soon after his physical confrontation with the border police, Ein sat on a rock and then fell to the ground.

He was short of breath and clutching his chest, indicating a possible myocardial infarction or heart attack.

After he died, the Palestinians took several pornographic photos of his corpse.



Two things are immediately evident.

1. He wasn’t hit by anything. If he had been, the Palestinians would’ve photographed the wounds with drooling meticulousness.

2. His lips, face, neck, and upper chest are blue from lack of oxygen. This is called cyanosis. More importantly, in his case it’s “central cyanosis” rather than “peripheral cyanosis,” meaning blue extremities. You can see in the top photo that his hand isn’t blue at all.

The most likely cause of sudden central cyanosis is myocardial infarction. A heart attack. But since Palestinians love conspiracy theories, here are two more possibilities.

He died of an allergic reaction to the perfume that two men made him breathe.

From the RT video above.


Look how the other guy twists Ein’s hand so that the man in the pink shirt can spray perfume on it.


An Israeli told me that in the Mediterranean, people inhale perfume when they’re not feeling well. The thing is that if you’re allergic, perfume can kill you through anaphylactic shock.


Did those two “helpful” men know that Ein was allergic? They seemed really intent on forcing him to sniff the perfume. The Palestinians are always looking for the next martyr. Anaphylactic shock can lead to respiratory arrest and central cyanosis. It can also cause cardiac arrest in a person as ill as Ein was.

But he wouldn’t have had to be allergic. Muslim terrorists keep coming up with new ways to murder.


You know what’s a great poison? Cyanide. You know what it causes? Cyanosis. Blue skin.

Just saying…


Hey look! I was right. Son of a gun.

A British television news reporter has revealed that Palestinian demonstrators near the West Bank village of Turmusaya prevented an Israeli medic from providing aid to a Palestinian Authority official who collapsed after he shoved and verbally abused Israeli officers on the scene…

“When he’s on the floor, an Israeli medic does come up to him, she tries to clear an area around him, but Palestinians pick him up and take him straight to a vehicle,” [Sky News Middle East correspondent Tom] Rayner said, in footage viewed by The Algemeiner. The medic was “not able to deliver any first aid,” Rayner continued, and Abu Ein was “declared dead when he got to a hospital in Ramallah.”

As The Algemeiner reported today, Rayner had earlier said on Twitter that “When Abu Ein is unconscious on ground, Israel medic attempts to assist, asks crowd to make space, Palestinians rush him to a vehicle instead.” Rayner also reported that Abu Ein repeatedly asked the Israeli officer he clashed with for his name, calling him a “dog.”

As a result of Abu Ein’s death, the PA announced that it was suspending security cooperation with Israel. PA President Mahmoud Abbas lauded Abu Ein as a “martyr,” while PA official Hanan Ashrawi accused Israel of having carried out an “extrajudicial killing.”

The Palestinian martyr-machine just keeps rollin’, it keeps on rollin’ along.

Here’s Pink Shirt Perfume Man making sure nobody gets too close while they finish Ein off.


Look at the European idiot on the right trying to revive Ein by showing him a United Nations flag.

To quote Georg Lembke—a German flamethrower operator from World War I—it’s a clown apocalypse.

Update Two

Okay. Now it’s clear.

What you’re seeing are the reactions of a diabetic whose sugar levels are completely out of control. At 0:35 he spits out a glucose tablet that they gave him.

My father was a diabetic who didn’t manage his disease. When diabetics have low blood sugar—hypoglycemia—they can get terrible heart palpitations. They clutch their chests. Other symptoms of hypoglycemia in diabetics include:

Irritability or impatience
Confusion, including delirium
Lightheadedness or dizziness
Weakness or fatigue
Anger, stubbornness, or sadness
Lack of coordination

If he had heart disease, the stress of this episode could’ve killed him. Or maybe they smothered him in the ambulance. You can see for yourself that he isn’t blue when they load him up. And notice that just like in Gaza, beefy “civilians” take control of the patient from the paramedics.

No tear-gas canisters were fired. Those are CS hand grenades, tossed between 3:26 and 3:42. Therefore Zaid Abu Ein was not hit in the chest by a tear-gas canister.

One way or another, the death of this terrorist and murderer was caused by his own people. We keep seeing it over and over and over.

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